Marriage Tribunal

Diocesan Tribunal Designation Phone Address
Rev. Fr. A. J. Jagadish Judicial Vicar 8220994878 Catholic Bishop’s House, 34 Officers’ Line, Vellore – 632 001
Rev. Fr. G. Mathias Defender of the Bond& Promoter of Justice 9443658515 Genesaret Mansion, Spicot, – 632 503,T.V. Malai Dt.
Rev. Fr. A. Vincent Judge 91 04172 269251 Infant Jesus Shrine, Bagayam, Vellore - 632 002
Rev. Fr. S.A.S Clement Rosario Advocate 9751523417 Catholic Bishop’s House, 34 Officers’ Line, Vellore – 632 001
Rev. Fr. P. Vino Alphons Xavier Notary 7358844487 Sts. Peters & Paul, Japthikarani, Vandavasi